01-04 Live Workshop: Creating an eCommerce Dashboard in Looker Studio - Part 1
01-04 Live Workshop: Creating an eCommerce Dashboard in Looker Studio - Part 1
01-05 Live Workshop: Creating an eCommerce Dashboard in Looker Studio - Part 2
01-05 Live Workshop: Creating an eCommerce Dashboard in Looker Studio - Part 2
04-07 Scope of Custom Fields: Chart vs Data Source
04-07 Scope of Custom Fields: Chart vs Data Source
05-05 Text Functions: CONTAINS_TEXT(), STARTS_WITH(), and ENDS_WITH()
05-05 Text Functions: CONTAINS_TEXT(), STARTS_WITH(), and ENDS_WITH()
05-06 Text Functions: LEFT_TEXT() and RIGHT_TEXT()
05-06 Text Functions: LEFT_TEXT() and RIGHT_TEXT()
05-07 Text Functions: REPLACE() and REGEXP_REPLACE()
05-07 Text Functions: REPLACE() and REGEXP_REPLACE()
09-05 Data Blending: Behind The Scenes - Live Demo
09-05 Data Blending: Behind The Scenes - Live Demo
09-06 Data Blending: Calculated Fields & Dealing with Nulls
09-06 Data Blending: Calculated Fields & Dealing with Nulls
12-14 Parameter Example: Projection & Custom Calculators
12-14 Parameter Example: Projection & Custom Calculators
13-01 The Limitation of Controls Across Data Sources
13-01 The Limitation of Controls Across Data Sources
14-02 Calculating Membership Duration with CURRENT_DATE()
14-02 Calculating Membership Duration with CURRENT_DATE()
14-11 Quicker Data Freshness with Blending & BigQuery
14-11 Quicker Data Freshness with Blending & BigQuery
14-13 Creative Use Cases for Extract Data in Looker Studio
14-13 Creative Use Cases for Extract Data in Looker Studio
14-14 Discussion: Dashboard Types in Looker Studio
14-14 Discussion: Dashboard Types in Looker Studio
14-15 Discussion: Dashboard Design and Layout Considerations
14-15 Discussion: Dashboard Design and Layout Considerations
15-03 Downloading Looker Studio Reports in PDF format
15-03 Downloading Looker Studio Reports in PDF format
15-14 Managing Ownership of Assets in Looker Studio
15-14 Managing Ownership of Assets in Looker Studio
16-10 Importing Data from Marketing Tools into BigQuery
16-10 Importing Data from Marketing Tools into BigQuery
16-13 BigQuery & Looker Studio Case Study: Affiliate Performance Dashboard
16-13 BigQuery & Looker Studio Case Study: Affiliate Performance Dashboard
16-14 BigQuery & Looker Studio Case Study: Labor Performance
16-14 BigQuery & Looker Studio Case Study: Labor Performance
16-15 Shopify, Klavyio RFM Segmentation with BigQuery ML
16-15 Shopify, Klavyio RFM Segmentation with BigQuery ML
16-16 Store Inventory Capacity Outlook: BigQuery and Looker Studio Case Study
16-16 Store Inventory Capacity Outlook: BigQuery and Looker Studio Case Study
16-17 Location Exploration Case Study with BigQuery and Looker Studio
16-17 Location Exploration Case Study with BigQuery and Looker Studio
16-18 Discussion: BigQuery and BigQuery ML Use Cases
16-18 Discussion: BigQuery and BigQuery ML Use Cases
17-01 BigQuery & Looker Studio: A Hands-on Workshop
17-01 BigQuery & Looker Studio: A Hands-on Workshop
17-13 Saving Queries in BigQuery and Connecting to Looker Studio
17-13 Saving Queries in BigQuery and Connecting to Looker Studio