Chapter 6: Grouping & Categorizing Data
6.12. IMAGE() & HYPERLINK() in Looker Studio
We can use the HYPERLINK() function when we have a link or fields that we can combine to create a link. This allows our report users to easily navigate or go to the link we’re presenting in our dashboard reports with just one click.
We will also discuss in this lesson how this applies when we have an email address field and we want our report viewers to be able to easily email that person.
The IMAGE() function allows us to load an image from a URL field or constructed URL field on the data-source level.
This is a useful feature when we are reporting on display campaigns since it gives our report users better context on the data we are presenting.
In this section, we'll explore two miscellaneous functions in Looker Studio: IMAGE() and HYPERLINK(). These functions are particularly useful when dealing with image URLs and clickable links in your data.
The IMAGE() function is used to display images in Looker Studio when you have an image URL in your data source. It is important to note that this function can only be defined at the data source level. To use the IMAGE() function, simply wrap the image URL in the function, and Looker Studio will display the image in a table. This is particularly useful when reporting on display campaigns and analyzing the performance of different ad visuals.
The HYPERLINK() function is used to create clickable links in Looker Studio. This function can be used to construct links from separate fields in your data source or directly apply a link to a table. The HYPERLINK() function takes two arguments: the URL and the link label.
Some use cases for the HYPERLINK() function include:
- Creating dynamic email links based on report values.
- Dynamically linking to a filtered version of a Looker Studio page using the "Enable viewer filters in report link" setting in the report settings. This allows us to efficiently deploy a dashboard report without having to create different versions with different report filters.
An interesting trick with tables in Looker Studio is adjusting the row heights by adding a transparent image in one of the columns. By adjusting the height of the transparent image, you can effectively adjust the height of the rows in the table.
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